In this podcast, Peg tackles common questions about college financial planning that apply to parents of all high school kids. Join us every other week for new insights to help you on your journey!
What it is, why you need one, and how to get it!
Let's look at the pros and cons of applying early decision.
Let's explore why you would want to submit the FAFSA and its implications on how much you can save on college - beyond what you might think!
What are the differences between grants and scholarships when looking for free money for college?
Some colleges are using demonstrated interest in their admission and financial aid decisions. Don't miss out on taking advantage of this!
Federal Parent Plus loans can be part of some family's college funding strategy. Understand how they work and if they are a good option for your family.
Paying for college can strike fear into parents who normally take things in stride. And while the costs of college seem to be going up, there are actually many situations and strategies that can greatly reduce what you end up paying. In short, you don't know what you don't know so get started learning and save thousands on the cost of college!
Understand what Prior Prior Year means and why knowing how this works can help you save off the cost of college.
Direct student loans - what are they and how do they fit into your child's college financial planning.